2012年4月14日 星期六

Happy Creative Commons Licenses of AccessTaiwan

We are sorry for the lack of licenses declaration about AccessTaiwan. Today, for any use of the RESTful API and data, you only have to follow the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licenses.

You can check the licenses here:
Happy Open Data !

2012年4月9日 星期一

Have you already enjoy the open data ?

Dear friends,

We are now release five types of data with RESTful API, which can be classify into travel and traffic categories.

You can access these data with RESTful API described in the above documentations. We are highly welcome any suggestions or ideas from you! Please leave your comments below!

Happy open data.

Taiwan Museum RESTful API Documentation

Dear friends,

We are excited to release our first travel data with the museums information in Taiwan. You can now access the museum data with the following RESTful API :

To list all museum data
Format : JSON
JSON Definition

  • name : Name of the museum
  • Location : The longitude and latitude of the museum
  • id : Random ID
  • desc : Specify the museum is public(公立) or private(私立)
  • county : The county of the museum
  • tel : The phone number of the museum
  • price : Price description
  • addr : The address of the museum

Example Request : GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/travel/museums

To list museum data with given type
  • GET /travel/museums?type={type}

Example Request : GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/travel/museums?type=專題博物館

To list museum data with given county
  • GET /travel/museums?county={county}
Example Request : GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/travel/museums?county=台北市

To list museum data with given description(public museum or private museum)
  • GET /travel/museums?desc={desc}
Example Request : GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/travel/museums?desc=公立

To list museum data with given lat and lng
  • GET /travel/museums?lat={lat}&lng={lng}
Example Request : GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/travel/museums?lng=120.686917&lat=24.14877