2012年3月16日 星期五

Taipei Rapid Transit System(TRTS) Data RESTful API Documentation

Dear friends,

You can now access Taipei Rapid Transit System(TRTS) Data with the following RESTful API :

The list allTRTS stops information:
  • GET traffic/metroTpe/stops/
Format : JSON

Format Definition
  • name:The stop name
  • id:Random ID
  • latitude:The latitude of the stop
  • longitude:The longitude of the stop
Example Request:GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/traffic/metroTpe/stops/

To get single TRTS stop information:
  • GET traffic/metroTpe/stops/{stopName}
Format : JSON

Example Request:GET http://api.accesstaiwan.org/traffic/metroTpe/stops/Huzhou

